Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Teachers

Photo taken during the celebration of Teachers Day in CHMSC Bin.

This post is for all teachers who has a great sacrifices or who has the important role in the world. They are considered a hero to us because without them I can’t imagine how world goes.  As a student I saw the sacrifices of the teachers. I find and realized that teaching is not as simple to think. Being a teacher comes great responsibilities for them on how to import knowledge to students by the means of teaching. Imagine everyday they are facing different kind of student with different kinds of personalities, a big challenge for them on how to manage those student and teach them lessons every day. Like us, teachers are not perfect also; sometimes they can say some bad words or actions that are not meant to be. I do understand them though sometimes I can’t deny where I can say something that is not good to hear. They are also human being that have feelings and sometimes to stressed in the work.

Now that I already finished my studies, I felt like missing some of the activities in school like projects and I miss also my teachers. My teachers before are strict in class but when we are out of the class we considered each other a group of peer where we are joking and laughing together.  In this Teachers Day Celebration, one of my wish is that more benefits to them and increase their salary and tax exemption and most especially good health and more patient in handling students. I know that these are also the wishes of the teachers. For those teachers who walked and climbed to the mountains and go to the islands to bring education, I salute you ma’am for your sacrifices and your hard work.
At this point I would like also to greet of course my mother even though she’s not a teacher in school but a great teacher to us. My mother did not teach us academics but what she taught us to become a good citizen and respect to others, being strong always and believe in ourselves. I would like to acknowledge all the teachers in CHMSC-Binalbagan especially to my instructors, thank you very much for helping me in reaching my goals in life especially in finishing my studies. Again HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!

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